Building from source¶
The following guide is intended for developers looking to iterate on the wrenfold source code. The recommended path for most users is to install a wheel.
Download the code¶
First, clone the repository and the submodules in the dependencies directory:
git clone
cd wrenfold
git submodule update --init --recursive
Building via pip¶
There are two methods for building wrenfold from source. Building via pip is the easier method. This creates only the wrenfold library itself (skipping all tests and examples). wrenfold uses scikit-build-core for python packaging.
With your python virtual environment active, execute the following from the repository root:
pip install . --verbose
Building with cmake¶
Building directly with cmake is the recommend path if you need to iterate on the source code.
You will need the following tools:
cmake >= 3.20
ninja >= 1.5 (other build systems are not explicitly tested at this time)
python >= 3.9
mypy (required for stubgen)
To run python tests you will additionally need:
JAX and PyTorch (for
To build documentation:
You can use the requirements.txt file to install most of the dependencies.
pip install -r requirements.txt
The two exceptions are doxygen and PyTorch, which must be installed separately.
The requirements.txt
file is generated by pip-compile
pip-compile support/ support/ --output-file requirements.txt
To build and run Rust tests you will need:
The rust compiler toolchain, installed via rustup
On linux:
When building on Windows, make sure you are executing commands from the Visual Studio Command Prompt, or in a shell with MSVC on the path.
To configure with cmake and build the library + all tests and examples, execute:
cd <path to wrenfold repo>
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo -Wno-deprecated -G Ninja
cmake --build .
The C++ and python tests are executed via ctest
Running rust tests¶
Rust tests must be compiled and run separately after the cmake build step:
cargo test --tests --release
Cargo does not presently invoke cmake --build
if code generators are stale. To force rust code to be re-generated, run cmake --build --target wf_rust_generation
Configuring the python path for development¶
If you would like to iterate on python examples or tests, you will need to configure the python path to point to the wrenfold repository. In bash:
export REPO_ROOT=$(pwd)
export PYTHONPATH="$REPO_ROOT/components/python:$REPO_ROOT/build/components/wrapper"
Or, for PowerShell:
$env:REPO_ROOT = (Get-Location).path
$env:PYTHONPATH = "$env:REPO_ROOT\components\python;$env:REPO_ROOT\build\components\wrapper"