
class wrenfold.ast.Add#

Addition operation: args[0] + args[1] + ...

__init__(*args, **kwargs)#
property args#

Operands to the addition. There will always be more than one element.

class wrenfold.ast.AssignOutputMatrix#

Assign a matrix to an output argument.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)#
property arg#

Destination argument.

property value#

ConstructMatrix specifying values to assign.

class wrenfold.ast.AssignOutputScalar#

Assign a scalar to an output argument.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)#
property arg#

Destination argument.

property value#

Scalar value to assign.

class wrenfold.ast.AssignOutputStruct#

Assign a struct to an output argument.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)#
property arg#

Destination argument.

property value#

ConstructCustomType specifying values to assign.

class wrenfold.ast.AssignTemporary#

Assignment to a temporary variable: left = right

__init__(*args, **kwargs)#
property left#

Name of the variable to which the assignment applies.

property right#

The value being assigned.

class wrenfold.ast.AstSpan#

Stores a sequence of AST elements.

__getitem__(self: wrenfold.ast.AstSpan, index: int) Union[wf::ast::add, wf::ast::assign_temporary, wf::ast::assign_output_matrix, wf::ast::assign_output_scalar, wf::ast::assign_output_struct, wf::ast::boolean_literal, wf::ast::branch, wf::ast::call_external_function, wf::ast::call_std_function, wf::ast::cast, wf::ast::comment, wf::ast::compare, wf::ast::construct_custom_type, wf::ast::construct_matrix, wf::ast::declaration, wf::ast::divide, wf::ast::float_literal, wf::ast::get_argument, wf::ast::get_field, wf::ast::get_matrix_element, wf::ast::integer_literal, wf::ast::multiply, wf::ast::negate, wf::ast::optional_output_branch, wf::ast::parenthetical, wf::ast::special_constant, wf::ast::return_object, wf::ast::variable_ref]#

Array access operator.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)#
__iter__(self: wrenfold.ast.AstSpan) Iterator#
__len__(self: wrenfold.ast.AstSpan) int#
class wrenfold.ast.BooleanLiteral#

Emit a boolean literal constant.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)#
property value#

Value of the constant (True or False).

class wrenfold.ast.Branch#

Emit an if-else statement: if (condition) { ... } else { ... }

__init__(*args, **kwargs)#
property condition#

Condition governing which branch to take.

property else_branch#

Statements that evaluate when the condition is false.

property if_branch#

Statements that evaluate when the condition is true.

class wrenfold.ast.CallExternalFunction#

Invoke a user-provided external function.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)#
class wrenfold.ast.CallStdFunction#

Invoke a standard library math function.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)#
property args#

Arguments to the function.

property function#

The function being invoked.

class wrenfold.ast.Cast#

Cast a numerical value.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)#
property arg#

Source value being casted.

property destination_type#

The destination numerical type.

class wrenfold.ast.Comment#

Emit a comment block.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)#
property content#

Comment as a single string.

split_lines(self: wrenfold.ast.Comment) List[str]#

Split comment by newlines and return a list of strings, one per line.

class wrenfold.ast.Compare#

Compare two operands.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)#
property left#

The left operand.

property operation#

Relational operation.

property right#

The right operand.

class wrenfold.ast.ConstructCustomType#

Construct an instance of a user-provided type.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)#
get_field_value(self: wrenfold.ast.ConstructCustomType, name: str) wrenfold.ast.Add | wrenfold.ast.AssignTemporary | wrenfold.ast.AssignOutputMatrix | wrenfold.ast.AssignOutputScalar | wrenfold.ast.AssignOutputStruct | wrenfold.ast.BooleanLiteral | wrenfold.ast.Branch | wrenfold.ast.CallExternalFunction | wrenfold.ast.CallStdFunction | wrenfold.ast.Cast | wrenfold.ast.Comment | wrenfold.ast.Compare | wrenfold.ast.ConstructCustomType | wrenfold.ast.ConstructMatrix | wrenfold.ast.Declaration | wrenfold.ast.Divide | wrenfold.ast.FloatLiteral | wrenfold.ast.GetArgument | wrenfold.ast.GetField | wrenfold.ast.GetMatrixElement | wrenfold.ast.IntegerLiteral | wrenfold.ast.Multiply | wrenfold.ast.Negate | wrenfold.ast.OptionalOutputBranch | wrenfold.ast.Parenthetical | wrenfold.ast.SpecialConstant | wrenfold.ast.ReturnObject | wrenfold.ast.VariableRef | None#

Given the name of a field, return the statement being assigned to it (or None if the field does not exist).

property type#

Instance of wrenfold.codegen.CustomType specifying which type to instantiate.

class wrenfold.ast.ConstructMatrix#

Construct a matrix from a list of statements.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)#
property args#

Contents of the matrix, in row-major order.

property type#

Describe dimensions of the matrix.

class wrenfold.ast.Declaration#

Declare a variable, and optionally assign it a value: name: type = value

__init__(*args, **kwargs)#
property name#

Name of the variable.

property type#

Type of the variable.

property value#

Optional value with which the variable should be initialized.

class wrenfold.ast.Divide#

Division operation: left / right

__init__(*args, **kwargs)#
property left#

Left operand (numerator).

property right#

Right operand (denominator).

class wrenfold.ast.FloatLiteral#

Emit a floating-point literal constant.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)#
property value#

Value of the constant.

class wrenfold.ast.FunctionDefinition#

Define a generated function. This is the top level object of the emitted syntax tree.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)#
property body#

Statements that make up the body of the function.

property signature#

Function signature.

class wrenfold.ast.FunctionSignature#

Emit the signature of a generated function: name(... arguments ...) -> return_annotation

__init__(*args, **kwargs)#
property arguments#

List of arguments.

property name#

Name of the function.

property return_type#

Return type of the function.

class wrenfold.ast.GetArgument#

Reference an argument to the generated function.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)#
property argument#

Argument being accessed.

class wrenfold.ast.GetField#

Reference a field on a struct: arg.field_name

__init__(*args, **kwargs)#
property arg#

Operand from which we wish to retrieve the specified field.

property field_name#

Name of the field being accessed.

property struct_type#

Type of the struct.

class wrenfold.ast.GetMatrixElement#

Retrieve a value from a matrix: arg[row, col]

__init__(*args, **kwargs)#
property arg#

Operand matrix.

property col#

Column to access.

property row#

Row to access.

class wrenfold.ast.IntegerLiteral#

Emit an integer literal constant.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)#
property value#

Value of the constant.

class wrenfold.ast.Multiply#

Multiplication operation: args[0] * args[1] * ...

__init__(*args, **kwargs)#
property args#

Operands to the multiplication. There will always be more than one.

class wrenfold.ast.Negate#

Negation operation: -arg

__init__(*args, **kwargs)#
property arg#

Operand being negated.

class wrenfold.ast.OptionalOutputBranch#

Conditionally assign values to an optional output argument: if (<argument exists>) { ... }

__init__(*args, **kwargs)#
property argument#

An optional output argument.

property statements#

Statements that are relevant when the optional argument is present.

class wrenfold.ast.Parenthetical#

Wrap an expression in parentheses.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)#
property contents#

Value that should be wrapped in parentheses.

class wrenfold.ast.ReturnObject#

Return a value from the function.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)#
property value#

Value or object being returned.

class wrenfold.ast.SpecialConstant#

Emit a mathematical constant

__init__(*args, **kwargs)#
property value#

Enum indicating the value of the constant.

class wrenfold.ast.VariableRef#

Reference a local variable.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)#
property name#

Name of the variable.