3. Generating code#

3.1. Generating a function#

Ultimately, the goal of the wrenfold framework is to provide a quicker path from expressive symbolic math to usable code. To generate a function, the first step is to create a python function that performs the necessary math. We will start by implementing something simple - the smoothstep function [1]:

\[\begin{split}f\left(x\right) = \begin{cases} 0 & x \lt 0 \\ 3 \cdot x^2 - 2 \cdot x^3 & 0 \le x \le 1 \\ 1 & x \gt 1 \end{cases}\end{split}\]

Initially we will assume the input variable \(x\) is already in the domain [0, 1]:

from wrenfold import sym
from wrenfold import type_annotations

def step(x: type_annotations.FloatScalar):
    """The smoothstep polynomial."""
    return 3 * sym.pow(x, 2) - 2 * sym.pow(x, 3)

Note the presence of the type annotation on argument x. This is important, as it communicates type information required to create a function signature. In actuality, FloatScalar is just a scalar-valued expression of type wrenfold.sym.Expr.


The type annotations module contains a number of pre-declared types that can be used to annotate functions. For vector/matrix types, the user can always declare their own by following the pattern in type_annotations.py.

Next, we can code-generate the equivalent C++:

from wrenfold import code_generation

cpp = code_generation.generate_function(func=step, generator=code_generation.CppGenerator())
template <typename Scalar>
Scalar step(const Scalar x)
    // ...
    const Scalar v001 = x;
    return v001 * v001 * (static_cast<Scalar>(3) + -(v001 * static_cast<Scalar>(2)));

Or Rust:

rust = code_generation.generate_function(func=step, generator=code_generation.RustGenerator())
#[allow(non_snake_case, clippy::unused_unit, clippy::collapsible_else_if,
        clippy::needless_late_init, unused_variables)]
pub fn step<>(x: f64) -> f64
    // ...
    let v001: f64 = x;
    v001 * v001 * ((3i64) as f64 + -(v001 * (2i64) as f64))

3.2. Output arguments#

Let’s improve our generated function by adding the first and second derivatives as an optional output argument:

def step_deriv(x: type_annotations.FloatScalar):
    """The smoothstep polynomial."""
    f = 3 * sym.pow(x, 2) - 2 * sym.pow(x, 3)

    # Place the first and second derivative into a 2x1 vector:
    df = sym.vector(f.diff(x), f.diff(x, 2))

    # Because we are now producing multiple outputs, we need to indicate which one is the
    # return value, and which should be an output argument:
    return [
        code_generation.OutputArg(df, name="df", is_optional=True)

cpp = code_generation.generate_function(func=step_deriv, generator=code_generation.CppGenerator())

The key distinction here is that our symbolic function now returns a sequence of wrenfold.code_generation.ReturnValue and wrenfold.code_generation.OutputArg objects. Presently, wrenfold only supports one return value (but many output arguments).

We make the df argument optional by passing is_optional=True to OutputArg on construction. The resulting function will then only compute values required for df when the argument is present. The C++ code looks like:

template <typename Scalar, typename T1>
Scalar step_deriv(const Scalar x, T1&& df)
    auto _df = wf::make_optional_output_span<2, 1>(df);

    // ...

    const Scalar v001 = x;
    const Scalar v034 = -v001;
    if (static_cast<bool>(_df)) {
        _df(0, 0) = v001 * static_cast<Scalar>(6) * (static_cast<Scalar>(1) + v034);
        _df(1, 0) = static_cast<Scalar>(6) + static_cast<Scalar>(12) * v034;
    return v001 * v001 * (static_cast<Scalar>(3) + static_cast<Scalar>(2) * v034);

3.3. Conditional logic#

Lastly, let’s extend our function to automatically clamp the value of x to the valid interval. We do this by adding calls to wrenfold.sym.min() and wrenfold.sym.max() - both of which are shorthand for sym.where:

def step_clamped(x: type_annotations.FloatScalar):
    """The clamped smoothstep polynomial."""
    # First express the polynomials in terms of `xv`.
    xv = sym.symbols('xv', real=True)
    f = 3 * sym.pow(xv, 2) - 2 * sym.pow(xv, 3)
    df = sym.vector(f.diff(xv), f.diff(xv, 2))

    # Replace `xv` with the clamped argument. By doing things in this order we get a neater
    # result (since we don't need to differentiate the clamping).
    x_clamped = sym.min(sym.max(x, 0), 1)
    f = f.subs(xv, x_clamped)
    df = df.subs(xv, x_clamped)

    return [
        code_generation.OutputArg(df, name="df", is_optional=True)

The output code (truncated here) now includes the clamping logic as well:

template <typename Scalar, typename T1>
Scalar step_clamped(const Scalar x, T1&& df)
    auto _df = wf::make_optional_output_span<2, 1>(df);

    const Scalar v002 = x;
    Scalar v006;
    if (v002 < static_cast<Scalar>(0)) {
        v006 = static_cast<Scalar>(0);
    } else {
        v006 = v002;
    Scalar v009;
    if (static_cast<Scalar>(1) < v006) {
        v009 = static_cast<Scalar>(1);
    } else {
        v009 = v006;

    // ... the remainder of the function is effectively unchanged.

3.4. Inspecting the AST#

When wrenfold.code_generation.generate_function() is called, three separate steps occur:

  1. The signature of the symbolic function is inspected to determine the input types. Variable inputs are constructed, and the function is invoked. The symbolic expression tree is captured in a wrenfold.code_generation.FunctionDescription object.

  2. The symbolic expressions are flattened into a simple intermediate representation (IR), and common sub-expressions are eliminated. This representation is then converted into an abstract syntax tree (AST).

  3. The syntax tree is emitted in a particular language (C++ for example).

If desired (perhaps while debugging), we can perform these steps separately. First, we create the FunctionDescription:

from wrenfold import code_generation

desc = code_generation.create_function_description(func=step)
print(desc)  # prints: FunctionDescription('step', 1 args)

We can then convert it to syntax by calling wrenfold.code_generation.transpile():

definition = code_generation.transpile(desc)
print(definition)  # prints: FunctionDefinition('step', <1 arguments>, <8 elements>)

wrenfold.ast.FunctionDefinition is the root of the abstract syntax tree. We can directly inspect its contents:

>>> definition.signature.name
>>> definition.signature.arguments
[Argument(x: floating_point)]
>>> definition.body[1]
Declaration(v001: floating_point = GetArgument(x))
>>> definition.body[2]
Declaration(v002: floating_point = Multiply(VariableRef(v001), VariableRef(v001)))

In most cases this will not be necessary. Instead, We can pass the AST directly to a generator to obtain code:

generator = code_generation.CppGenerator()
cpp = generator.generate(definition)
template <typename Scalar>
Scalar step(const Scalar x)
    // ...
    const Scalar v001 = x;
    return v001 * v001 * (static_cast<Scalar>(3) + -(v001 * static_cast<Scalar>(2)));
