3. Advanced derivatives¶
3.1. Derivatives with respect to symbolic functions¶
Derivatives can be taken with respect to any of the following:
x = sym.symbols('x')
Symbolic function invocations:
f_x = sym.Function('f')(x)
Derivatives of symbolic function invocations:
df_x = f_x.diff(x)
For instance, consider the computation of the Lagrangian of a simple pendulum. We assume the generalized coordinate of the system is the pendulum angle \(\theta\). We take \(\theta = 0\) to mean that the pendulum extends rightwards along the x-axis. The potential energy of the system is given by:
from wrenfold import sym
m, g, r, t = sym.symbols("m, g, r, t")
# Theta as a function of time:
theta = sym.Function("theta")(t)
theta_dot = theta.diff(t)
print(theta_dot) # prints: Derivative(theta(t), t)
# Potential energy of the pendulum mass:
T = m * g * r * sym.cos(theta)
print(T) # prints: g*m*r*cos(theta(t))
Where \(r\) is the length of the pendulum, \(m\) the mass of the system, and \(g\) the acceleration due to gravity. The kinetic energy of the system is given by:
# Position of the pendulum mass:
p_mass = r * sym.vector(sym.cos(theta), sym.sin(theta))
# Velocity of the pendulum mass:
v_mass = p_mass.diff(t)
# Kinetic energy:
V = sym.rational(1, 2) * m * v_mass.squared_norm()
# Simplify the expression by substituting: cos(theta)^2 + sin(theta)^2 --> 1
V = (
.collect([m, r, theta_dot])
.subs((sym.cos(theta) ** 2 + sym.sin(theta) ** 2) / 2, sym.rational(1, 2))
print(V) # prints: m*r**2*Derivative(theta(t), t)**2/2
We can then compute the Lagrangian \(L\), and the Euler-Lagrange equation of the system:
# Compute canonical momentum.
# Note that we take the derivative wrt `Derivative(theta(t), t)`.
L = T - V
q_theta = L.diff(theta_dot)
# And the Euler-Lagrange equation, which involves taking the derivative wrt `theta(t)`.
euler_lagrange = q_theta.diff(t) - L.diff(theta)
print(euler_lagrange) # prints: g*m*r*sin(theta(t)) - m*r**2*Derivative(theta(t), t, 2)
Note that while computing the equation of motion, we took the derivative with respect to both \(\theta\left(t\right)\) and \(\dot{\theta}\left(t\right)\).
3.2. Truncated derivatives¶
It is sometimes useful to truncate a derivative to prevent it from propagating through some terms.
For instance, you might wish to compute a weighting function for a particular residual without the
weight itself contributing to the Jacobian. To that end, wrenfold includes the
from wrenfold import sym
c, x = sym.symbols('c, x')
f_x = sym.Function('f')(x)
# Geman-McClure weight function:
w = (c**2) / (c**2 + f_x**2)
print(sym.stop_derivative(w).diff(x)) # prints: 0
# Weighted residual:
residual = sym.stop_derivative(w) * f_x
print(residual.diff(x)) # prints: Derivative(f(x), x)*StopDerivative(c**2/(c**2 + f(x)**2))